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 Please note that we are not an emergency service

 For urgent help and support please see below

Urgent Help:

- Tell someone you trust how you are feeling

Samaritans (Call 116 123)

BMA Wellbeing (Call 0330 123 1245)

Practitioner Health/Shout (text SHOUT to 85258)

NHS confidential staff support line - (Call 0300 131 7000)

- Go to your emergency department

- Contact your GP


PSW is here to provide personal and professional support and development, to postgraduate learners across NHS England South West; to reach their full potential and provide safe patient care.

1-1 support is available for doctors, dentists, pharmacists and Advanced Care Practitioners who are in training.

Pharmacists in training will be triaged and referred by their supervisor currently

This is a confidential service, separate from your educational supervision.

You can find out more about what we do by emailing england.psw.sw@nhs.net

If you have been off work for >3 months, the Supported Return to Training (SuppoRTT) team may be more appropriate

Concerned about your training and education? E mail: Escalatingconcerns.sw@hee.nhs.uk

About us:

PSW video click through

Click on the above video to find out more about what the PSW team in the South West can do for you.

Other sources of support:

Trust Support:

    • Employee Assistance or Staff Support service - Check your intranet pages or ask HR or your PGME team for information.
    • Occupational Health- support to help you return to work. Ask your supervisor for a referral. Some OH departments allow you to self-refer.
    • SuppoRTT Champion - Supported Return to Training- for individual support returning to work/training after 12 weeks or more away from the work environment.
    • Well and Resilient Doctors - WARD - are a trust based peer support group for you to talk to and have useful resources on their website.

 External Support*:

NHS England - South West:

    • Professional Support & Wellbeing service - see how you can get in touch below.
    • SuppoRTT webpages have valuable information about SuppoRTT events and groups.
    • Our Quality team are available if you wish to raise concerns about your clinical environment and have put together a useful Supporting & Escalating Concerns Pathway.

How to get in touch:

We offer a confidential, non-judgmental space in which to explore the challenges you are facing and make a bespoke plan of support.

If you would like to self-refer to PSW, or make a referral on behalf of someone you supervise, please click here and fill out the referral form. 

The PSW are very happy to answer any queries you might have, you can contact the team on england.psw.sw@nhs.net

If you have a concern regarding the provision of education and training in your placement, please contact the Quality Team.


  • NHS Horizons hold webinars on the second Wednesday of every month, with different wellbeing focuses - including finances, leadership, working parents, preparing for winter, psychological safety and many more. You can register your interest in upcoming webinars, and review previously recorded webinars here.
  • Our NHS People have developed a range of bitesize learning and guides which you can register to access for free here and which covers areas such as Inclusion, Resilience, Health & Well-being conversations and Supporting Others During Difficult Times


  *The above resources and others on the PSW webpages do not represent content endorsement by NHS England; the resource links serve as a platform to host accessible information that may be useful to doctors in training wishing to look after their mental health and wellbeing