Dental Courses Page
The Dental Postgraduate Section of Health Education England South West (HEESW) provide high quality education and training for the development of skills, values and knowledge for ALL members of the dental team.
This includes lifelong learning opportunities (CPD) for dentists, DCPs, technicians, receptionists and managers in a variety of short CPD courses including dental simulation (hands-on), traditional study days and workshops. They are also an ideal way to meet other dental professionals and enjoy a day or evening out while fulfilling GDC professional development outcomes
HEESW CPD courses can be booked through our online booking system.
All courses provided by HEESW meet the GDC requirements for enhanced CPD. They are quality assured following the standards for postgraduate dental education framework from COPDEND. While some courses may be supported by external companies HEESW does not endorse these products.
Email for any courses related advice.
Please also see the useful resources page for additional material.
Forthcoming Courses 2025
Please click the link here to see a list of all upcoming courses for 2025
E-Learning resources
Child Focused Dental Practices (CFDP) e-learning modules
General Dental Topics
Health Education England e-Learning for Health
e-Learning for Healthcare- eCPD
e-Learning for Healthcare is a HEE programme which works in partnership with NHS and professional bodies to support patient care by providing e-learning.
Alcohol and Tobacco brief interventions Conflict Resolution Level 1
- Data Security Awareness Level 1
- Dementia
- e-IRMER Ionising Radiation (medical exposure)
- Equality, Diversity and Human Rights
- Female Genital Mutilation
- Fire Safety Level 1
- Health, Safety and Welfare
- Infection Prevention and Control Level 1
- Infection Prevention and Control Level 2
- Making Every Contact Count
- Mental Capacity Act
- Moving and Handling Level 1
- Resuscitation Level 1
- Safeguarding Adults Level 1
- Safeguarding Adults Level 2
- Safeguarding Children Level 1
- Safeguarding Children Level 2
- Sepsis
e-Learning for Healthcare – e-Den
e-Den is an engaging and interactive learning resource delivered through a partnership between the Royal College of Surgeons of England and Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare.
The e-Den curriculum is designed to develop a competent, caring, reflective practitioner. Educational content covers many branches of dentistry and supports the continual professional development (CPD) of dental care professionals and experienced dentists.
Sessions have been written by subject specialists and are typically 20 minutes long. Users can dip in and out of the sessions as they wish.
A range of nearly 130 dental e-learning sessions are available through e-Den.
Modules include sessions on:
• Patient assessment
• Human disease and medical and dental emergencies
• Anxiety and pain control in dentistry
• Periodontal disease and management
• Hard and soft tissue surgery
• Surgical and Non-Surgical Management of Head and Neck Disease
• Management of the developing dentition
• Restoration of teeth
• Replacement of teeth
• Communication
• Professionalism
• Management and leadership
• Sustainable dentistry
Registration and use is FREE for GDC registrants working in practice carrying out NHS work, dental hospitals and dental schools. E-Den can also be purchased for a years access by non-NHS staff.
Register on e-LfH at
Search “dentistry” or “e-Den” for a programme of modules on different dental topics.
e-Learning for Healthcare – Children’s Oral Health Advice for All
Children’s Oral Health Advice for All aims to improve the knowledge of the general public and early years healthcare workers regarding children’s oral health. It introduces Delivering Better Oral Health to non-clinical staff providing appropriate evidence to support key messages. It also introduces learners to ways in which they can support parents to develop good oral health habits through effective behaviour change conversations. This resource can be used to upskill the entire dental team including those performing reception or other non-clinical duties.
e-Learning for Healthcare - Dental Health module of RCPCH Healthy Child Programme
The Dental Health Promotion module of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health’s Healthy Child Programme aims to enhance the knowledge and skills of those who come into contact with children regarding oral health and factors that predispose to poor oral health. Promoting oral health in the infant and young child forms an integral part of this session.
All e-Learning for Healthcare courses are available immediately and are free of charge.
If you are not already registered with e-Learning for Healthcare, you will need to do this by accessing the e-Learning for Healthcare home page: Once logged in, the full list of programmes (including those featured in more detail below) is available on the e-LfH Hub “Full Catalogue” page. Once you have completed any of the above courses, you must first generate a course completion certificate from the e-LfH Hub.
Following this you must complete the relevant Enhanced CPD form, referring to the course completion certificate. The Enhanced CPD forms can be accessed from the bottom of the “Dentistry” page of e-LfH in the “Enhanced CPD” section Please note that both the relevant course Enhanced CPD form and the accompanying e-LfH Hub course completion certificate should be kept as evidence in your records to demonstrate you have completed verifiable CPD, should the GDC request it. PLEASE NOTE ONLY THE E-DEN MODULES HAVE ENHANCED CPD CERTIFICATES.
Dental SCRIPT is an e-learning programme which improves prescribing competency and safety among dentists. It consists of eight modules covering a range of dental prescribing situations.
You are able to purchase the SCRIPT dental programme as an individual licence for £25 per year (see link below):
Antimicrobial Stewardship e-learning resource
The British Association of Oral Surgeons (BAOS) has launched a new Antimicrobial Stewardship e-learning resource for oral health professionals to test their knowledge of antibiotic prescribing. It is FREE to take and consists of three modules of clinical scenario-based quizzes, each of which provides a printable e-certificate of one hour's verified CPD upon successful completion. Feedback is provided along the way, with the aim that by the end of the modules, participants will be able to demonstrate application of the principles of sound antimicrobial stewardship to the clinical scenarios.
Indemnity providers
Many indemnity providers have a series of e-learning resources for their members available from their websites
The GDC have a series of learning materials on their website – see Focus on Standards.
Health, well-being and resilience
MindEd is a free educational resource on children and young people's mental health for all adults. It contains materials for:
• professionals and volunteers;
• families and carers;
• older people.
For more information please visit
Document from Support for Dental Teams Organisation
The Organisation Support for Dental Teams has published a 'Support for the Dental Team' document.