Clinical Leadership Mentors

Welcome to the Leadership Mentor page, which exists to support our South West region Clinical Leadership Mentors. These unique and important appointments have been created to foster and nurture the interest of all our medical trainees in leadership and management as they progress through their postgraduate training.

A Mentor has been appointed in nearly every trust in the region and will be the focal point for trainees as they work within trusts and seek leadership and management development. Please refer to our list of Clinical Leadership Mentors (CLMs) for details on each region.

Your role

Mentors will signpost trainees towards suitable quality improvement and leadership opportunities within and around their trusts. In accordance with the '70:20:10' model (now widely accepted as a useful framework for learning), this might include training courses, such as those offered by the NHS Leadership Academy South West and the national NHS Leadership Academy. Courses and programmes are also offered by our own Deanery and can be found under the '10%' button of the 'Leadership Development' page of this site. Mentors will also be linking trainees with shadowing opportunities (of NHS Graduate Management Trainees, or senior managers, or even Trust Board members) in order to further develop their leadership awareness. They'll also be helping trainees to engage in quality improvement projects and activities around their trusts. And the Mentors will foster coaching and mentoring for their trainees by seeking out suitable 'matches', using existing databases and their own knowledge to help them do this.

There are three helpful frameworks to inform your work and you'll find these under the 'Informal Learning Opportunities' button of the website. Feel free to use these flexibly for your trainees.

Why are we doing this?

Most doctors agree that a sizeable part of their medical role includes good communications, teamwork, the ability to influence senior leaders in their organisations, to work cooperatively with colleagues and to be able to call upon a range of management techniques, such as project planning, financial understanding and the ability to construct a business plan. They'd argue that these things are not additional to their medical jobs, but very much a part of them. That's why the GMC has suggested that Royal Colleges should be thinking about how these personal skills can be nurtured and assessed in training, because to leave it until doctors take up a senior medical role is to leave it too late. In fact, the FMLM has been working with the GMC to design a suggested curriculum for Medical Schools to use in order to generate leadership thinking right at the start of training.

How we will support you

This will be the 'go to' page for anything we think is useful to support you. This might include interesting papers, details of conferences, development opportunities and masterclasses. Wherever possible we'll hyperlink to and from other sites to make sure the information is coherent and consistent. There's a very active What's App group, too, created by Dr Andy Griffiths (our Torbay CLM) which is already exchanging news, views and interesting leadership updates.

We will also facilitate networking meetings, because we know that having face to face contact with other Mentors is immensely useful. The next one will be in Taunton on Friday 15 February 2019, at which you'll also be able to experience a short Quality Improvement Masterclass hosted by Dr Matt Hill from University Hospitals Plymouth and Dr Susanne Smith from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Plymouth.


This initiative was evaluated by the University of Birmingham's Centre for Health and Social Care Leadership. Their report demonstrates the widespread, rich and engaging work which our CLMs have been designing and delivering over the first 18 months of the project. Ranging from coaching and mentoring, offering leadership training, setting up Fellowships and nurturing quality improvement opportunities - their work has really enabled trainees in the South West to engage in leadership development to a much greater extent than ever before. CLMs will be submitting their annual reports towards the end of this year, and you can read a PowerPoint summary of last year's reports, compiled by the project manager.


The Leadership Faculty of HEE South West are here to help you, as are our two independent project support managers. They are Louise Hardy and Caroline Taplin.

We hope you enjoy this role and please do keep in touch with me, Louise and Caroline over the next two years.

List of Clinical Leadership Mentors

First name Surname Email Trust Region
Maung Oakarr Livewell South West Peninsula
Katherine Edey Royal Devon & Exeter FT Peninsula
Katya Adie Royal Cornwall Hospitals Peninsula
Jeremy Sandbrook Cornwall Partnership Peninsula
Liam Kevern Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust Peninsula
Ian Higginson University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust Peninsula
Subhash Gupta Devon Partnership NHS Peninsula
Nick Edmeades Torbay & South Devon FT Peninsula
Mark Slade Gloucestershire Hospitals Severn
Sue Chalstrey Great Western Hospitals Severn
David Evans North Bristol NHS Trust Severn
Jay Suntharalingam Royal United Hospitals Bath (Lead CLM) Severn
Zoe Price Royal United Hospitals Bath (CLM) Severn
Kieron Rooney University Hospitals Bristol & Weston Severn
Sarah Waters Yeovil District Hospital Severn
Manesh Chattopadhyay Avon & Wiltshire Health Partnership Severn
Theresa Tattan Avon & Wiltshire Health Partnership  
Martin Ansell Gloucestershire Health & Care FT Severn
James Heal Somerset FT Severn
Linda Heaney Somerset FT (CLM)