Training Programme Director: Phil Loughnane

Foundation Training Handbook

About the Bristol and South Cotswold Scheme

Bristol is an exciting city with a vibrant culture and nightlife. Bristol boasts over 450 parks and green spaces, proportionately more than any other UK city. Bristol has a wonderful variety of shopping opportunities, theatres and live venues.

The scheme's strength is its dedicated group of trainers who work hard to bridge the gap between Dental School and life in practice by providing the particular level of support you need. Working in these high quality, carefully selected practices with experienced support will soon have you producing your best work which is "shipshape and Bristol fashion". Additionally, the trainers are a sociable bunch who often produce their best advice with a glass in their hand!

The study days are held mainly at the HEE Offices in Bristol which are in Park House, Newbrick Road, Hambrook, Bristol but some are at other venues within Bristol. Enthusiastic participation in this relaxed environment with a dozen colleagues and our chosen speaker can lead to surprisingly effective learning. The course covers a wide variety of areas to develop your clinical competencies relevant to practice with some content geared to those using the year to prepare for MJDF.

The course starts with a two day induction aimed at team building and demystifying NHS regulations. Popular hand-on course days cover endodontics, oral surgery, crown preps, working with your nurse and implants. Speakers will assume full undergraduate curriculum knowledge rather than try to re-hash it and will sometimes challenge your accepted practices or beliefs.

Main Study Day Venue

Study days will be held at various venues. FDs are advised to check their scheme timetable. 


Bristol and South Cotswold Training Practices September 2024 - August 2025

Mr Eric Ahaley DFT Academic Post

Mr Mohammed Ghafoor

Mr Andrew House

Dr Vassia Karpeta

Mrs Yawa Ofori

Dr Alex Poore & Dr Rebecca Gilliland

Dr Suganthy Suthagar

Mr Matthew Thomas - JDFCT Year 2 Practice

Mr Fredrick Tomas Allahverdin - DFT Academic Post 

Mr Tom Westcott

Mr Adam Wilson